Songdew is a musical B2B and B2C platform, It allows users to discover raw music around the world (mainly they target the Indian Market only), It also allows brands & companies to create contests for artists and discover the artists.
Currently, more than 50K+ artists are using the platform. It allows them to share their music with the world and will enable artists to participate in contests created by brands & companies.

- To make the design visually appealing and unique.
- Improving user experience design.
- Make sure it’s responsive and looks good on the web, tablet, and mobile.
- Keeping UI consistent (Following, Improving, and Maintaining the Design system)
Old Designs

New Designs
New designs using neomorphic and flat design styles, In the case of some elements where user interaction was required all those elements were introduced in the form of a neomorphic style example CTA (Button) and the rest of the elements were in flat design to balance out the overall design.
The main challenge was not to overdo the neomorphic style and to keep the design visually aesthetical.
In the case of colors, keep the ratio like 90% grey-white and 10% Blue (for Actions). The same ratio goes for the flat and neomorphic styles.

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